
Inside the "War Room" at the Kerry Campaign...

There we have it! The real “glass-John” has surfaced, (HT Hugh Hewitt) and he’s smarter than ever! Just imagine Kerry and his minions in one of his spin-machine meetings, looking like the bar-scene from Star Wars, and one of his staff members says, “I know! I know! All we have to do to get a handle on this PR nightmare called terrorism is to call it a ‘nuisance’ like gambling and prostitution!” You can just hear the moans and groans. Then the staff member says cunningly, “By doing this, we effectively ‘re-package’ the war, so if we’re elected, we can go back to business as usual and focus on more important issues like prescription drugs and health care! After all, Bush has made enough progress for us to be able to turn a blind eye for a while. Just think: Then the media will turn a blind eye, and we’ll have no bad PR, no ‘body count,’ and no blood on our hands!” Then John Kerry pipes in, “AMAZING! Why didn’t we think of that 6 months ago? Bush has made enough progress for terrorism to go under the radar for a while anyway! Hey, put that guy down as a candidate for Secretary of State!”

So go ahead. Vote for Kerry. Just hope that it’s not your city that glows with the power turned off…

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