
Time to Rebuild

Congratulations to President-Elect Obama. I pray for wisdom for him and his team, and that his heart will be changed regarding the unborn, and embryonic stem-cell research. I also hope he's open-minded about the War on Terror. I'm sure once he is "briefed" on the intelligence reports that are unavailable to the MSM and the public, he will be rudely awakened and enlightened.
I also hope he puts country over politics. That's where presidents become great.

And speaking of putting country over politics, "thank you and farewell" to President Bush who cut taxes, and protected the home-land, while disabling/neutralizing our enemy abroad. Althogh he wasn't perfect (Government and spending was wildly out of control), history will be kind to him.

Meanwhile, hopefully the Republican Party will hear a message loud and clear. WE are the party of Reagan and Lincoln. Not Rockefellar!

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